Sick of seeing loads of 'Chorrol Guard' or 'Mage Apprentice'? Then this mod is for you! Every single 'generic' named npc in every city, now has a REAL, LORE FRIENDLY name! Each person's name has their status before it, example, Apprentice Jangeline, or Guardsman Alban. All names given are also appropriate for each race and gender. With over 200 npcs given new names, Cyrodiil will feel more realistic than ever before!
Npcs with new names include:
All City Guards
Imperial Watch
Imperial Jailers
Imperial Foresters
Imperial Soldiers
Palace Guards
Chapel Guards
Dark Brotherhood Murderers
Dark Brotherhood Prison Guards (Scheduled for Execution)
Mage Apprentices
Mage Scholars
Soldiers (Defense of Bruma)
(I didn't change the Adoring Fan because I didn't think a proper name would suit him)
Load near the bottom of your load order. This mod may conflict with other mods that edit these npcs.